MODIS Composite Fire Product Suite (Updated July 9, 2010) NGDC's Earth Observation Group (EOG) has generated global composites of MODIS M[OY]D14 fire products. These initial composite products are created from one year of MODIS data, but they can be created from any specified time period. Basic Processing Steps: A) Acquire MODIS Level 2 Fire Products (M[OY]D14 files) B) Acquire MODIS Level 1b Geolocation Products (M[OY]D03 files) C) Reproject firemask and fire radiative power (FRP) data from M[OY]D14 files into 30 arc second grids. To reproject, the EOG group used a modified version of the swath2grid routine, which is part of the MRTSwath package. D) The firemask and FRP data were run through a compositing routine to produce the suite of output files with the following extensions: 1) cvg - the number of available coverages, or observations. The MODIS Level 2 fire products only consider fires on land, so water is masked and not considered a valid "observation" in this product. 2) cf_cvg - the number of available cloud-free coverages, or observations 3) n_frp - the number of observations tagged as fire 4) pct_frp - the percent frequency of observations tagged as fire (pct_frp=n_frp/cf_cvg) 5) sum_frp - the sum of the FRP values tagged as fire (units=MW) 6) sum_frpkm2 - the sum of the normalized FRP values tagged as fire (units=MW/km^2) 7) avg_frp - the average of the FRP values tagged as fire (units=MW, avg_frp= sum_frp/n_frp) 8) avg_frpkm2 - the average of the normalized FRP values tagged as fire (units=MW/km^2, avg_frpkm2 = sum_frpkm2/n_frp) 9) max_frp - the max of the FRP values tagged as fire (units=MW) 10) max_frpkm2 - the max of the normalized FRP values tagged as fire (units=MW/km^2) 11) min_frp - the min of the FRP values tagged as fire (units=MW) 12) min_frpkm2 - the min of the normalized FRP values tagged as fire (units=MW/km^2) Example filenames for satellite Aqua, year 2009 (satellite Terra files will start with a T): A_20090101_20091231.v0.avg_frpkm2.tif A_20090101_20091231.v0.avg_frp.tif A_20090101_20091231.v0.cf_cvg.tif A_20090101_20091231.v0.cvg.tif A_20090101_20091231.v0.max_frpkm2.tif A_20090101_20091231.v0.max_frp.tif A_20090101_20091231.v0.min_frpkm2.tif A_20090101_20091231.v0.min_frp.tif A_20090101_20091231.v0.n_frp.tif A_20090101_20091231.v0.pct_frp.tif A_20090101_20091231.v0.sum_frpkm2.tif A_20090101_20091231.v0.sum_frp.tif Contacts: Chris Elvidge NOAA/NGDC 325 Broadway E/GC2 Boulder, CO 80305 303-497-6121 Kimberly Baugh CIRES NOAA/NGDC 325 Broadway E/GC2 Boulder, CO 80305 303-497-4452 Daniel Ziskin CIRES NOAA/NGDC 325 Broadway E/GC2 Boulder, CO 80305 303-497-6469