Where Nighttime Lights Begin

"Cities, like cats, will reveal themselves at night." 

Rupert Brooke


Since the 1970s, the U.S. Air Force Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) has operated satellite sensors capable of detecting the visible and near-infrared (VNIR)
emissions from cities and towns. The DMSP Operational Linescan System (OLS) acquires global daytime and nighttime imagery of the Earth in two spectral bands (VIS and TIR). The
nighttime "VIS" bandpass straddles the VNIR portion of the spectrum (0.5 to 0.9 um). The VIS band signal is intensified at night using a photomultiplier tube (PMT), making it possible to detect faint VNIR emission sources. The PMT system was implemented for the detection of clouds at night. An unanticipated consequence of the nighttime light intensification is the detection of city lights, gas flares, and fires. 

Since 1997, EOG had been pioneering in combining the imagery taken by DMSP-OLS to produce global Nighttime Light maps. With annual data stretch from 1992 to 2013, making DMSP Nighttime Light the longest data series available for nocturnal remote sensing on human activities.

Version 4 DMSP-OLS Nighttime Lights Time Series  

The files are cloud-free composites made using all the available archived DMSP-OLS smooth resolution data for calendar years. In cases where two satellites were collecting data - two composites were produced. The products are 30 arc second grids, spanning -180 to 180 degrees longitude and -65 to 75 degrees latitude. A number of constraints are used to select the highest quality data for entry into the composites:

Each composite set is named with the satellite and the year (F121995 is from DMSP satellite number F12 for the year 1995). Three image types are available as GeoTIFFs for download from the version 4 composites:

  • Data are from the center half of the 3,000 km wide OLS swaths. Lights in the center half have better geolocation, are smaller, and have more consistent radiometry.
  • Sunlit data are excluded based on the solar elevation angle.
  • Glare is excluded based on solar elevation angle.
  • Moonlit data are excluded based on a calculation of lunar illuminance.
  • Observations with clouds are excluded based on clouds identified with the OLS thermal band data and NCEP surface temperature grids.
  • Lighting features from the aurora have been excluded in the northern hemisphere on an orbit-by-orbit manner using visual inspection.

Cloud-free coverages tally the total number of observations that went into each 30 arc second grid cell. This image can be used to identify areas with low numbers of observations where the quality is reduced. In some years there are areas with zero cloud- free observations in certain locations.

Raw avg_vis contains the average of the visible band digital number values with no further filtering. Data values range from 0-63. Areas with zero cloud-free observations are represented by the value 255.

The cleaned up avg_vis contains the lights from cities, towns, and other sites with persistent lighting, including gas flares. Ephemeral events, such as fires have been discarded. Then the background noise was identified and replaced with values of zero. Data values range from 1-63. Areas with zero cloud-free observations are represented by the value 255.


  • Elvidge, C. D., Baugh, K. E., Kihn, E. A., Kroehl, H. W., & Davis, E. R. (1997). Mapping city lights with nighttime data from the DMSP Operational Linescan System. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 63(6), 727-734.
  • Baugh, K., Elvidge, C. D., Ghosh, T., & Ziskin, D. (2010). Development of a 2009 stable lights product using DMSP-OLS data. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Advanced Network, 30(0), 114.
Go to Download
Delivery File Type gzipped GeoTIFF
Internal DEFLATE compressed GeoTIFF
Delivery File Extension avg_vis (Averaged DN)
stable_lights.avg_vis (Stable lights average DN) 
cf_cvg (cloud free coverage count)
cvg (coverage count)
lit_mask (Lit area mask)
orm_avg_vis (Outlier removed average DN)
intercal.stable_lights.avg_vis (Intercalibrated stable lights average DN)
Image File Type GeoTIFF
Image CRS EPSG:4326 (Geographic Latitude/Longitude)
Image Resolution 30 arc second (~1km at the Equator)
Coverage 180W, 75N, 65S, 180E

Due to the lack of on-board calibration mechanism, DMSP Nighttime Light product does not report values as radiance, but in digital number (DN). To perform sensible comparison between images of different years, users are encouraged to perform intercalibration before carry out time series analysis.

The coefficient table for intercalibration can be downloaded here.

Average Light X PCT

The nighttime lights product known as avg_lights_x_pct is derived from the average visible band digital number (DN) of cloud-free light detections multiplied by the percent frequency of light detection. The inclusion of the percent frequency of detection term normalizes the resulting digital values for variations in the persistence of lighting. For instance, the value for a light only detected half the time is discounted by 50%. Note that this product contains detections from fires and a variable amount of background noise. This is the product used to infer gas flaring volumes from the nighttime lights.


  • Elvidge, C. D., Baugh, K. E., Kihn, E. A., Kroehl, H. W., & Davis, E. R. (1997). Mapping city lights with nighttime data from the DMSP Operational Linescan System. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 63(6), 727-734.
  • Baugh, K., Elvidge, C. D., Ghosh, T., & Ziskin, D. (2010). Development of a 2009 stable lights product using DMSP-OLS data. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Advanced Network, 30(0), 114.
Go to Download
Delivery File Tyle tgz (gzipped tar ball)
Delivery File Extension avg_lights_x_pct
Image File Type GeoTIFF
Image CRS EPSG:4326 (Geographic Latitude/Longitude)
Image Resolution 30 arc second (~1km at the Equator)
Coverage 180W, 75N, 65S, 180E

Radiance Calibrated

The Operational Linescan System (OLS) flown on the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) satellites, has a unique capability to record low light imaging data at night worldwide. These data are archived at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC). The useful data record stretches back to 1992 and is ongoing. The OLS visible band detector observes radiances about one million times dimmer than most other Earth observing satellites. The sensor is typically operated in a high gain setting to enable the detection of moonlit clouds. However, with six bit quantization and limited dynamic range, the recorded data are saturated in the bright cores of urban centers. A limited set of observations have been obtained at low lunar illumination were obtained where the gain of the detector was set significantly lower than its typical operational setting (sometimes by a factor of 100). By combining these sparse data acquired at low gain settings with the operational data acquired at high gain settings, we have produced a set of global nighttime lights product with no sensor saturation. This product can be related to radiances based on the pre-flights sensor calibration.

Need more info? See Readme.


  • Elvidge, C. D., Baugh, K. E., Dietz, J. B., Bland, T., Sutton, P. C., & Kroehl, H. W. (1999). Radiance calibration of DMSP-OLS low-light imaging data of human settlements. Remote Sensing of Environment, 68(1), 77-88.
  • Hsu, F. C., Baugh, K. E., Ghosh, T., Zhizhin, M., & Elvidge, C. D. (2015). DMSP-OLS radiance calibrated nighttime lights time series with intercalibration. Remote Sensing, 7(2), 1855-1876.
Go to Download
Delivery File Tyle tgz (gzipped tar ball)
Delivery File Extension avg_vis (averaged DN value)
cf_cvg (cloud free coverage count)
cvg (coverage count)
Image File Type GeoTIFF and ENVI
Image CRS EPSG:4326 (Geographic Latitude/Longitude)
Image Resolution 30 arc second (~1km at the Equator)
Coverage 180W, 75N, 65S, 180E

Monthly Series

The monthly series of DMSP-OLS composite had been asset users frequently inquire. EOG now makes them available with the best quality configuration available.

The set extends from F10_199204 to F18_201312.


  • Elvidge, C. D., Baugh, K. E., Kihn, E. A., Kroehl, H. W., & Davis, E. R. (1997). Mapping city lights with nighttime data from the DMSP Operational Linescan System. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 63(6), 727-734.
Download Monthly Series
Delivery File Tyle GeoTIFF (Internal DEFLATE compressed)
Delivery File Extension avg_vis (averaged DN value)
cf_cvg (cloud free coverage count)
cvg (coverage count)
Image File Type GeoTIFF
Image CRS EPSG:4326 (Geographic Latitude/Longitude)
Image Resolution 30 arc second (~1km at the Equator)
Coverage 180W, 75N, 65S, 180E

DMSP Nighttime Lights Extension

The original global nighttime lights time series from DMSP was produced using OLS data from six individual satellites (Figure 1). Over time, the orbits of each satellite gradually shifts to an earlier overpass time, sliding from a day / night orbit to a dawn / dusk orbit. The DMSP sensors collected sufficient nighttime data worldwide for annual nighttime lights product generation as long as the overpass occurred later than 19:30. Recently, NOAA added additional years to the DMSP equatorial crossing time chart and discovered that the F-15 orbit had continued to shift and had started to collect pre-dawn nighttime data in 2012 and that this continued through 2018. Satellite F16 may have also collected usable nighttime data in the pre-dawn hours.

Based on this new information, EOG has extended the annual DMSP nighttime lights time series out to 2019 using pre-dawn data.

Download Extension Series
Delivery File Tyle tgz (gzipped tar ball)
Delivery File Extension avg_vis (averaged DN value)
cf_cvg (cloud free coverage count)
cvg (coverage count)
stable_lights.avg_vis (averaged DN value with ephemeral lights removed)
lit_mask (?)
Image File Type GeoTIFF (Internal DEFLATE compressed)
Image CRS EPSG:4326 (Geographic Latitude/Longitude)
Image Resolution 30 arc second (~1km at the Equator)
Coverage 180W, 75N, 65S, 180E

Agence Française de Développement (AFD) funded the research for the extended DMSP series.


Ghosh, T.; Baugh, K.E.; Elvidge, C.D.; Zhizhin, M.; Poyda, A.; Hsu, F.-C. Extending the DMSP Nighttime Lights Time Series beyond 2013. Remote Sens. 202113, 5004. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13245004

DMSP-like Nighttime Lights Derived from VNL (DVNL)

We are converting VIIRS radiances to DMSP DNs for two reasons: (1) the saturation limit of the VIIRS sensor is higher than that of the DMSP, and (2) spatial resolution of the VIIRS sensor is five times better than that of the DMSP. For those brightness values that exceed the saturation threshold DMSP, there is nowhere to take values. It is possible to filter out (smooth) high spatial frequencies from the VIIRS image, but there is no deterministic way to add detail to the DMSP one.

Remote sensing of nighttime lights (NTL) is widely used in socio-economic studies of economic growth, urbanization, stability of power grid, environmental light pollution, pandemics and military conflicts. Currently, NTL data are collected with two sensors: (1) Operational Line-scan System (OLS) onboard the satellites from the Defense Meteorology Satellite Program (DMSP) and (2) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) onboard the Suomi NPP (SNPP) and NOAA-20 satellites from the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS). However, the nighttime images acquired by these two sensors are incompatible in spatial resolution and dynamic range. To address this problem, we propose a method for the cross-sensor calibration with residual U-net convolutional neural network (CNN). The CNN produces DMSP-like NTL composites from the VIIRS annual NTL composites. The pixel radiances predicted from VIIRS are highly correlated with NTL observed with OLS (0.96 < R2 < 0.99). The method can be used to extend long-term series of annual NTL after the end of DMSP mission or to cross-calibrate same year NTL from different satellites to study diurnal variations.

Performance of DVNL over Los Angeles area. Left: VIIRS Nighttime Light (VNL), Middle: CNN generated image from VNL, Right: DMSP-OLS imagery.

Download DVNL SeriesVisit GitHub RepositoryPublication
Delivery File Tyle GeoTIFF
Delivery File Extension N/A (average DN equivalent)
Image File Type GeoTIFF (Internal DEFLATE compressed)
Image CRS EPSG:4326 (Geographic Latitude/Longitude)
Image Resolution 30 arc second (~1km at the Equator)
Coverage 180W, 75N, 65S, 180E

Nechaev, D.; Zhizhin, M.; Poyda, A.; Ghosh, T.; Hsu, F.-C.; Elvidge, C. Cross-Sensor Nighttime Lights Image Calibration for DMSP/OLS and SNPP/VIIRS with Residual U-Net. Remote Sens. 202113, 5026. 

Ghosh, T.; Baugh, K.E.; Elvidge, C.D.; Zhizhin, M.; Poyda, A.; Hsu, F.-C. Extending the DMSP Nighttime Lights Time Series beyond 2013. Remote Sens. 202113, 5004. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13245004


You can download the data from here.

Version 4 DMSP-OLS Nighttime Lights Time Series

* Currently no lit_mask for F18_2011.

Average Light X PCT

Year F10 F12 F14 F15 F16 F18
1992 F101992
1993 F101993
1994 F101994
1995 F121995
1996 F121996
1997 F121997
1998 F121998
1999 F121999
2000 F142000
2001 F142001
2002 F142002
2003 F142003
2004 F152004
2005 F152005
2006 F152006
2007 F152007
2008 F162008
2009 F162009
2010 F182010
2011 F182011
2012 F182012
2013 F182013

Radiance Calibrated


Unpacking .tgz File

  Use 7-zip to unpack .tgz file, will result in a .tar file. Use 7-zip to further unpack the .tar file again to access the actual GeoTIFF files.

Mac OS/Linux:
  Double click on the .tgz file to unpack. Or use the command tar xzvf <file.tgz> in command line interface (CLI) to un-compress and extract the GeoTIFF files.

Unpacking Internal Compressed File

Internal compressed GeoTIFF allows software to access pixels directly while keeping the file size small. If your GIS software does not recognize internal compressed GeoTIFF file, you can use GDAL to decompress the file to ordinary GeoTIFF file.

  (1) Install Anaconda.
  (2) Create a new environment, install GDAL with GUI. Also you can use the following command in Anaconda Powershell Prompt.
conda create -n <env_name>
conda activate <env_name>

conda install -c conda-forge gdal

  (3) In Anaconda Powershell Prompt, use following command to decompress. 
gdal_translate.exe -of GTiff <input_file> <output_file>

Mac OS/Linux:
  (1) Install Anaconda.
  (2) Create a new environment, install GDAL with GUI. Also you can use the following command in terminal.
conda create -n <env_name>
conda activate <env_name>

conda install -c conda-forge gdal

  (3) In terminal, use following command to decompress. 
gdal_translate -of GTiff <input_file> <output_file>

DMSP Documents

Title Author Date
AFGWC Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Simple Format Users' Guide AFGWC 1996/11/21 Download
The Brightness of Lights on Earth at Night, Digitally Recorded by DMSP Satellite Thomas A. Croft/USGS 1979/8 Download
DMSP Bevel Values Naval Space Command 1997/3/18 Download
The DMSP Block 5 Program History at Westinghouse and Northrop Grumman - As Remembered by some Participants M. J. Spangler/Westinghouse Electric Corporation 2003/10 Download
Interface Specification for DMSP Block 5D-2 Spacecraft (S11-S14) to Operational Linescan System to Mission Sensors DMSP Space Segment Integrator/GE 1988/8/26 Download
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program - Block 5D Launch N/A 1980/6/3 Download
DMSP Data Specifications DMSP HQ and Missile System Organization / USAF 1975/10/15 Download
DMSP Data Specifications Westinghouse Electric Corporation 1993/4/28 Download
DMSP Interface Specification for DMSP Block 5D-3 Spacecraft (S16-S20) to Operational Linescan System to Mission Sensors Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space 1998/2/27 Download
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) User's Guide Air Weather Service (MAC) USAF 1974/12/1 Download
DMSP Compendium of Early Satellites Space and Missile Systems Organization Air Force Systems Command USAF 1975/11 Download
DMSP Data Specification
OLS 5D-2
DMSP HQ Space and Missile Systems Organization Airforce Systems Command 1977/1/15 Download
DMSP Data Archive Data Format Handbook Harris Government Information System Division Circa 1980 Download
DMSP Flight Number and Year Lookup N/A Circa 1993 Download
DMSP Primary Sensor Data Aquisition Westinghouse Defense and Electronic Systems Center Circa 1990 Download
DMSP Processing Guide N/A 1992/3/30 Download
Relative Calibration of the DMSP Operational Linescan System (OLS) Thermal Fine Data Space Systems Group
The Aerospace Corporation
2000/1 Download
Satellite Data Services Files (DMSP) N/A N/A Download
DMSP Smooth Data File Format (Excerpted from other documents) N/A N/A Download
Defense Meteorological Satellite System
System Requirements Document
Volume III
Technology Development Plan
System Integration Directorate
DMSP Office
The Aerospace Corporation
1985/5/1 Download
Defense Meteorological Satellite System
System Requirements Document
Volume I
Advanced Technology Branch DMSS Program Office 1988/10/31 Download
Data Management Plan for the Archive of OLS and Space Environment Data Received from AFGWC on Magnetic Tape National Geophysical Data Center 1992/6/11 Download
OLS L Channel Gain Correction for Non-Lambertian Scenes Westinghouse Electric Corporation 1987/6/29 Download
OLS #7A Acceptance Test Result
Vol I/IV
Summary and Specification Requirements
Westinghouse Electric Corporation 1982/3/1 Download
(F12) OLS #12 Bearing Retrofit
Acceptance Test Report
Summary and Specification Requirements
Westinghouse Electric Corporation 1992/3/20 Download
OLS #13 Acceptance Test Report
Summary and Specification Requirements
Westinghouse Electric Corporation 1987/10/21 Download
(F13) OLS #14 Bearing Retrofit
 Acceptance Test Report
Summary and Specification Requirements
Westinghouse Electric Corporation 1993/5/28 Download
(F13) OLS #14 Bearing Retrofit
 Acceptance Test Report
Summary and Specification Requirements
Westinghouse Electric Corporation 1993/5/28 Download
(F14) OLS #15 Bearing Retrofit
 Acceptance Test Report
Vol I/IV
Summary and Specification Requirements
Westinghouse Electric Corporation 1988/12/9 Download
(F16) OLS #19
 Acceptance Test Report
Vol I/IV
Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation 2002/9/9 Download
(F18) OLS #20
 Acceptance Test Report
Vol I/IV
Summary and Specification Requirements
Westinghouse Electric Corporation 1995/5/1 Download
(F17) OLS #21
 Acceptance Test Report
Vol I/IV
Summary and Specification Requirements
Westinghouse Electric Corporation 1995/2/1 Download
Scene Spatial Resolution Uniformity Along Scan; Rotation and Switching of Detector Field of View (One page, excerpted) Westinghouse Electric Corporation N/A Download
Support of Environmental Requirements for Cloud Analysis and Archive (SERCAA): Algorithm Descriptions Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc. 1994/3/28 Download
Specification for DMSP SIMPLE Data format for NAVAF METSAT Phase I HQ AFGWC/DOX 1995/11/20 Download
Technical Operating Report
Block 5D-3 Operational Linescan System (OLS)
Westinghouse Electric Corporation 1989/4/1 Download
The Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Sensors: An Historical Overview Technology Development and Plans System Engineering Division 1992/3 Download


  • C. D. Elvidge, K. Baugh, M. Zhizhin, F. C. Hsu, and T. Ghosh, “VIIRS night-time lights,” International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 38, pp. 5860–5879, 2017.
  • C. D. Elvidge, K. E. Baugh, M. Zhizhin, and F.-C. Hsu, “Why VIIRS data are superior to DMSP for mapping nighttime lights,” Asia-Pacific Advanced Network 35, vol. 35, p. 62, 2013.
  • Elvidge, C. D., Baugh, K. E., Dietz, J. B., Bland, T., Sutton, P. C., & Kroehl, H. W. (1999). Radiance calibration of DMSP-OLS low-light imaging data of human settlements. Remote Sensing of Environment, 68(1), 77-88.
  • Hsu, F. C., Baugh, K. E., Ghosh, T., Zhizhin, M., & Elvidge, C. D. (2015). DMSP-OLS radiance calibrated nighttime lights time series with intercalibration. Remote Sensing, 7(2), 1855-1876.


Whenever using or distributing DMSP data or derived images, use the following credit:

Image and data processing by Earth Observation Group, Payne Institute for Public Policy, Colorado School of Mines. DMSP data collected by US Air Force Weather Agency.